MiniLit and MultiLit

St Joseph's offers the following intervention programs to students:


MiniLit (Meeting Initial Needs in Literacy) is a reading program specifically designed for young readers. It is based on a model in which students with reading difficulties are identified early and provided with timely intervention in the most optimal way to enhance their reading skills.

MiniLit includes:

  1. Small groups of students
  2. Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and text comprehension
  3. Learning to blend and segment
  4. 3-4 sessions per week, up to 20 weeks of instruction
  5. Regular assessment to monitor progress.

Each lesson has three main components:

  1. Sounds and Words Activities
  2. Text Reading
  3. Story Book Reading.
kid working in class


MultiLit (Making Up Lost Time in Literacy) is a reading program initiative directed by Professor Kevin Wheldal from Macquarie University Special Education Centre. It comprises research and development into more effective ways of teaching low-progress students experiencing difficulties in learning literacy skills. It is based on a model in which students with reading difficulties are identified and provided with timely intervention in the most optimal way to enhance their reading skills.

MultiLit includes:
1. One-to-one intervention
2. Phonics or word attack skills
3. Sight words recognition
4. Supported book reading in a one-to-one context
5. 3-4 sessions per week
6. Regular assessment to monitor progress.

These programs are designed to give extra intervention to students experiencing difficulties and are in addition to differentiated classroom teaching in English.